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Our Partners
Hearfield Research Ltd. Superior Webdesign.
Pokorny GesmbH Electrical installations, network installations and special purpose devices.
4 - Network
4.1 Design, Planning and Installation of Networks
We provide:4.2 Remote administration of networks
Whether as stand-in during vacations, sick leaves of your network administration staff or as gap filling measure during the recruitment process or for specialized requirements - we offer remote administration of networks, servers and/or other network components.4.3 Anti virus solutions for networks
One of the leading anti virus software developers, Trend Micro, estimates the damages caused by viruses and spyware to be in excess of 40 billion EUR per year.In addition to the costs for removal of viruses and the loss of staff time and productivity, a potential negative impact on the image of virus victims as well as legal consequences need to be considered
We conceptualize, implement and administer anti virus solutions for companies, organizations and private customers.
4.4 Patch management, software distribution, license metering for networks
Manual installation of software and patches in networks needs high amounts of ICT staff time and, as any manual and repetitive activity, cannot exclude the possibility that mistakes are made which lead to failures or problems that aren't easily identified.Automated patch management and suitable means and procedures for software distribution ensure that your staff work with current software, properly set up for their respective field of work. Issues with incompatible document formats, the need for conversion as well as the time needed to keep different templates for different software versions up to date are a thing of the past henceforth. This in turn reduces the amount of helpdesk incidents, reduces time spent by your staff and simplifies identification of causes for failures, makes the integration of new PCs or the exchange of PCs simpler and faster.
Software license costs for standard software applications account for roughly a third of the total cost of ownership that needs to be budgeted during the lifetime of a PC. In order to facilitate cost control and to minimize the funds spent on software, license metering systems are a recommended tool. You immediately see, which applications need to be licensed at which levels and which licenses can be safely discontinued.
4.5 The network moves
Your company/organization moves? We take care of design, adaptation, installation and the actual move of your data/voice network.Our experience helps us to provide this service with special attention to speed, reliability and cost-effectiveness. We rely on our expertise in project managment and close co-operation with highly qualified subcontractors to facilitate network moves of all orders of magnitude quickly and at competitive prices.
Customer reports:
W.I.N. Computer provides professional IT training and other IT services. We have found ict-expert to be a reliable partner with whom we are in a long-standing and fruitful partnership. When moving to new premises, the data network, telecommunication and power installations were conducted during a timeframe of one and a half calendar days. This was only possible due to the professionalism, project management skills and partners co-ordinated through ict-expert.
During the move, our main server was damaged in a car accident. ict-expert performed immediate recovery of all data, transferred the data to a server from their rental pool and installed the server at the new location - with minimal cost to us and no more downtime than what was planned for the entire network move.
G. Havel, CEO, W.I.N. Computer
How much?

We invoice set hourly rates depending on the kind of service provided. A number of services is available as lump sum offers, our customers can also enter into service or project management contracts with us and/or acquire blocks of hours at a reduced price.
Contact us, we will provide you with a specific offer for your requirements.
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