Emergency service

Our Partners
Hearfield Research Ltd. Superior Webdesign.
Pokorny GesmbH Electrical installations, network installations and special purpose devices.
Lump sum offers
ict-expert offers frequently asked for services at lump sums in order to make comparisons and calculations for our private customers easier and more transparent.
[P1] Microsoft Windows & Office Updates
Update of your Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office products for Windows operating systems and MS Office products.Configuration of automatic updates so that you won't need this service more than once.
Please note that this offer is only valid at our location. If you wish that the service is performed at your location, we charge for the actual time spent on site as well as EUR 20 for the time spent to reach you.
EUR 25
[P2] Installation of anti virus software - PC or Notebook
Installation and configuration of current anti virus software as well as software, that protects your computer from being afflicted by Trojan Horses and Spyware. The configuration includes automatic updates of all products installed. Private customers can benefit from using free, legal software provided by well-known software companies.EUR 15
[P3] Installation of internet access - PC or Notebook
Configuration of a PC or notebook for access to the Internet - via Modem, cable, ADSL or xDSL. Includes setup of e-mail account and 30 minutes of introduction to Internet and e-mail.EUR 45
[P4] Installation service - PC or Notebook - Update
Combination of [p1] and [p2] at our site. In addition, BIOS settings will be optimized, current drivers for chipset and all expansion cards will be downloaded and installed.After you have picked up your PC, we will perform [p3] at your location in Vienna without charging you for coming to you.
EUR 135
[P5] Installation service - PC or Notebook - Operating System/Office
After providing us with your PC or laptop and a licensed version of MS Windows XP or MS Windows 2000 as well as an office suite of your choice, we install the software and conduct [p1] and [p2]. In addition, the BIOS setup of your device is optimized and the newest drivers for chipset as well as all installed expansion cards are installed.Pursuant to collection of the device, we perform [p3] for you on site. There are no costs invoiced for the time needed to come to you.
EUR 125
[P6] Removal of computer viruses - PC or Notebook
Removal of all computer viruses, trojan horses and spyware that can be removed with current technology.Please be advised that some viruses destroy or modify data and/or programs. Recovery of data is in this case impossible. Destroyed programs need to be re-installed (not part of this offer).
EUR 50
[P7] Diagnostics- PC or Notebook
Your PC or notebook behaves erratically? Crashes? We find out what the culprit is. This service involves a number of automatic tests as well as the usage of diagnostics hardware, it can take longer and is offered only at our location.EUR 30
[P8] Installation of WLAN- PC or Notebook
Configuration of a router or WLAN access point as well as a PC or notebook to enable wireless networking.Please be aware that we will choose the highest level of encryption that is supported by both devices. If your router includes firewalling functionality, we will configure it for a surcharge of EUR 20 at your request.
EUR 45
The fine print
The lump sum amounts are calculated based on provision of service in our workshop unless indicated otherwise, include VAT but do not contain commercial software licenses.Commercial software will be installed upon request and invoiced as per current price list.
The customer confirms that software provided by customer is properly licensed and that he has conducted a full backup of data beforehand.
Software, procedures and methods employed reflect the current state of technology.
We reserve the right to refrain from performing the services outlined in the lump sum offers in cases where the required effort is exceptionally high. In these cases, the customer will not be charged for any work performed so far, travel cost and/or software licenses acquired at the request of the customer will be invoiced nevertheless.