Our Partners
Hearfield Research Ltd. Superior Webdesign.
Pokorny GesmbH Electrical installations, network installations and special purpose devices.
5 - Disposal and recycling services for old or unused ICT equipment
As per the "Elektroaltgeräteverordnung" (legal document
describing how old or superfluous electrical appliances are to be dealt with) commercial sellers of electric appliances are
required - with a few well-defined exceptions - by law to take back old electric appliances at no cost to you IF you acquire a
comparable device or appliance from them.
We are taking this a step further - we offer FREE disposal of old ICT equipment and appliances, (PCs, notebooks, printers,
servers, networking equipment, cabling, telephone switchboards etc.) for private households if you deliver the equipment to our company. You are not
required to purchase new equipment from us to use this service.
Option 1 - delivery by customer:
You contact us and arrange a date for delivery to our site. We need a list of equipment to be disposed of and approximate weight/dimensions of the shipment.
You or a transport company contracted and paid by you delivers the obsolete equipment to our site at the arranged date/time.
Option 2 - collection by ict-expert:
You contact us and arrange a date for pickup by ict-expert. We need a list of equipment to be disposed of and approximate weight/dimensions of the shipment.
ict-expert collects the equipment at the arranged date/time from your location.
The equipment must be ready for collection at street level, either packed in cartons or wrapped in plastic foil on palettes.
Option 3 - deinstallation and/or dismantling and subsequent collection by ict-expert:
You contact us and arrange a date for deinstallation/dismantling and pickup by ict-expert. We need a list of equipment to be disposed of and approximate weight/dimensions of the shipment.ict-expert deinstalls/dismantles the equipment, packages it and transports the equipment at the arranged date/time from your location.
We would like to point out that it is in your own best interest to have a qualified member of staff on site during these times
to ensure proper guidance for our staff. Deinstallation/dismantling of old equipment alongside actively used equipment (e.g. old
LAN cabling and switches to be removed, currently used LAN cabling running along the old) may require the services of a
qualified electrical and/or networking expert. If desired, ict-expert can arrange that an electrical expert from a partner
company is on site, the cost for this will be invoiced directly by our partner.
Data security, erasing of data
Upon request, data on installed or loose harddisks can be deleted irretrievably by using software products which
represent the current state of technology for data erasing.
This service is invoiced separately per harddisk.
This service is currently only offered for harddisks with interfaces being used on the PC/Apple platforms as well as the
most common server hardware platforms (Compaq, HP, IBM, SUN). Such interfaces are: MFM, MFM/RLL, ESDI, SCSI (SCSI-narrow,
SCSI-wide, SCSI-ultrawide, SCSI-Fibrechannel, SCSI-SCA), P-ATA (form factors 2.5", 3.5", 5 1/4") as well as S-ATA.
Installed or loose harddisks will upon request be mechanically destroyed by ict-expert, this service is invoiced separately.
What happens with the old equipment?
The vast majority of equipment being disposed of (experience indicates more than 98% of all materials) is either old
(read: unserviceable at reasonable cost, too slow, incomplete, incompatible with current standards) or defective. New PCs, notebooks,
servers etc. cost a fraction of what a PC cost five or ten years ago and deliver results easily hundred times faster.
The cost of repairing an outdated PC stands in no relation to its resale value.
Old equipment is disassembled and separated in groups of materials, such as PCBAs (printed circuit board assembly), drives,
cables, metal and plastics. Subsequently, the material is
handed over to recycling companies who then see to it that the material comes back in a form that allows re-utilization of
the materials that can be reused, the balance is used for generating electrical power by burning in special power plants or
otherwise disposed of in an environmentally sensible manner.
Devices that are not too old or unserviceable will be tested and repaired if necessary and economically feasible. Such equipment is then
either sold off to cover the cost of disposing the remainder of the recovered equipment or donated to a variety of non-profit
projects where even older hardware may still have a couple of years of useful life. Due to our contacts with a number of international
organizations and our own contacts in regions such as the Balkans, we have many more people interested in such equipment than
actual equipment that makes sense to be transported.
The fine print
This service is offered by ict-expert as a contribution to a cleaner environment.
ict-expert reserves the right to exclude companies or individuals from using this service if it is apparent or conceivable
that their use of the service is or may become excessive.
Unannounced deliveries will not be accepted without exception.
Deliveries of more than the pre-arranged quantities/volume of equipment will be accepted IF the available storage space
permits to do so. we cannot accept more than we can store, therefore, such deliveries may be partially rejected.
Deliveries containing items other than those that ict-expert has been notified of before, especially materials and devices
that are not ICT equipment, will not be accepted for disposal unless the customer instructs ict-expert to dispose of them
through a disposal company that deals with such materials. In this case, the customer is required to pay the expected disposal
and transport cost in advance to ict-expert. A handling fee of EUR 50 excl. VAT will be invoiced for such work. ict-expert
reserves the right to deny this servvice in case of dangerous waste, biological waste and other forms of waste that ict-expert
is neither licensed to deal with nor has the staff/facilities to store even on an interim basis.
If it is only found out at a later stage that deliveries contain non-ICT items, customers are herewith advised that these
items will be handed over to a specialized recycling company and the cost plus a handliing charge of EUR 50 excl. VAT will be